Dairy Company Supplier System
Features Overview
The Supplier System provides accounting control over payments to factory wholemilk suppliers. A supplier may be a farm owner, share-milker or contract milker and there may be several of these working on any producing farm.
Information is gathered by either the Infomace Dairy Industry Transport System or Third Party Host System, and combined with milk quality results and specific laboratory test results to arrive at a quantity of milk at a specific quality level for every collection.
Payments are made at the end of each month by extending each daily quantity at the appropriate rate for the quality level, applying retrospective period payment adjustments, then deducting amounts for penalty grades, loan repayments, trading purchases etc.
Comprehensive reconciliation of payments made against milk collected and certain quality attributes (e.g. temperature)
Electronic transfer of laboratory quality and test results.
Multi-vat and multi-pick-up collection recording.
Provide comparison with previous data (day/last year) collection, quotas, litres supplied
Manual or automated testing for any defined test type.
Manual or automated entry of tanker runs and volumes collected.
Variance Analysis to ensure sample consistency.

- Entry of non-farm results and batch management.
- Customisable interfaces with Infomace International’s or other Third Party Transport Management Systems.
Penalties automatically calculated.
Grading based on user-specified matrix.
Comprehensive reporting and enquiry features.
- Optional production of electronic bank deposit schedules.
- Automatic calculation of variable bank deposit amounts.
- Automatic calculation of interest on debit balances.
- Automatic calculation of retrospective payment adjustments for the current and previous seasons.
Calculation of retrospective (step-up) payments over any defined period.
Ability to start/stop share-milker agreements during a season.
Automatic apportionment of penalty charges between owners and share-milkers at variable rates.
Creation of user-specific payment processes and formulae

- Calculation of defined payment period lengths.
- Calculation of levies (or any other for example “state” imposed charges).
- Management of farmer loans.
- Management of deductions for particular items (eg rural store payments)
- Interface with retail trading purchases.
Definition of share and security types.
Issue of shares to shareholders and management of all transactions.
Records of voting entitlements, vote entry and reporting.
- Management of agreements between farmers, members and farms
- Management of split payments between farmers and members
- Management of deductions
- Extensive enquiry and reporting options
- User-definable penalty, payment, and quality test codes
- User-definable quality test grades and parameters
- Thorough validation of all data (quota codes, penalty codes, farms)
- Full statistical reporting of production volumes and quality results.
- Ability to export reports in PDF format.
- The Supplier System can be interfaced with resident or Infomace International Limited’s own Financial Suite.
- Very user friendly interface for non-computer operators.